On the first Saturday of August every year (sadly except this year due to Corona Virus), the Bay of Albigny welcomes the biggest pyrotechnic show of Europe, The Fête du Lac!
70 minutes of fireworks in rhythm with music, lights, special effects…
A special show to see at least once in your life !
Born from the great “Venetian style” party of 1860 on the lake in honour of Napoleon III, this event has evolved and integrated all the new technologies of fireworks.
“Grandiose”, magic, unique! About 200 000 spectators join lakesides to participate in this event.

A few tips:
You can buy tickets (the price depends on how close to the lake you are or if you are standing up or seating).
It is difficult to see it without paying…unless you have some friends living in a high building with a nice view…Some restaurants have special offers for the night (dinner and firework to be booked early). You could also climb up a mountain to see it but not that easy…
Getting in Annecy should be kind of ok, but it will be crowed.
Everybody will leave at the same time, and it will be completly crazy Driving back home.
So either walk there or park the car outside the center in order to exit quickly.
If it rains the show goes on, it can be cancelled if too windy or too stormy, in that case it can be postponed to Sunday.

For more info on the Fête du Lac and booking http://www.annecy.fr/553-fete-du-lac-2015-annecy-billetterie-et-reservations.htm