The Paret = the sledge from the Aravis

It is a wooden sledge handmade by the locals.
It was traditionally used by kids from Manigod (since 1900) to go to school on a snowy day.
Now, the sledge is still the same but used for fun.
During the winter season, you can try it in Manigod (usually at Merdassier on Wednesday late afertoon) or La Clusaz (Thursday evenings) depending on availability a free paret will be provided.
It is quite easy to use and find your balance, but I recommend you to wear ski clothes and a helmet.
The paret was our grandparents’ preferred means of transport. This authentic little wooden sledge composed of a single pad will allow you to discover new sliding sensations. Let yourself be tempted by this ancient object!
From 10 years old.
At the end of your ride, you can enjoy a well desserved mulled wine and fondue or tartiflette to recover!
It is a different snow sport with great sensations to discover during your stay in the Alps.
For more information on when to do it or
If you need a taxi to go to La Clusaz or Grand Bornand, please contact me